
Temple of Scents

A world dancing on the boundaries of an ancient past and a fantastical new future.

Temple of Scents

A multisensorial sanctuary within the heart of Bangkok inviting urbanites to embark on a sensorial journey. It is an alternate world that dances on the boundaries of an ancient past and a fantastical new future. The pale earth tones accented by flickers of gold that seem to emerge from the wood and mortar evoke a religious spiritualism of finding goodness from within that resonates throughout the interior.

Central Embassy Sensorial Boutique

The Scent Altar

The Scent Altar exposes rows of decadent glass vessels that lie in wait to lure you in with scents inspired by precious memories and bygone eras to transport you to an imaginary landscape full of fond memories.

The PAÑPURI Private Edition

The Bespoke Sensorial Bar Private Edition by PAÑPURI awakens a journey through cherished memories by creating unique and personalized scents that evoke a nostalgia for the past but a hopefulness for the future. It is a voyage of sensorial immersion that only  From its inception to its birth, each fragrance maps a journey from your most cherished memories to the foundation that makes up who you are as a person. Every note conjures up a beloved past that only you are privy too while also evoking a sense of hopefulness for the path you are currently embarking on.

With the PAÑPURI Private Edition, your bespoke scent surrounds and embraces the body, mind and soul.


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